Incoming Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Solomon Islands Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SICCI) Atenasi Ata has lauded the Solomon Islands Professional Women’s Network (SIPNET) as an important ...

The Young Entrepreneurs Council Solomon Islands (YECSI) now has a Board following its first ever Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Wednesday 3rd October 2018 at the Heritage Park Hotel. YECSI members, ...

Gov’t-Private sector Partnership highlighted at Business Forum  A couple of years ago policy engagement and dialogue between the Solomon Islands Government and the private sector through the Solomon ...

Prime Minister Hon Rick Houenipwela has reaffirmed his Government’s support towards two key economic infrastructures in the country. The Prime Minister gave updates on the Tina River Hydro project an ...

Solomon Islands Prime Minister Hon Rick Houenipwela calls on the Australia-Solomon Islands Business Forum to step up efforts to pursue investments in Solomon Islands. The Prime Minister made the call ...