The Young Entrepreneurs Council Solomon Islands (YECSI) has hosted its first networking event on the 8th of November 2018 at the Heritage Park Hotel. Called ‘Ignite Networking’, the event presented t ...

Members of the business community were introduced to the new E-Tax online service provided by the Inland Revenue Division (IRD) of the Ministry of Finance and Treasury. This was during the Solomon Is ...

The Solomon Islands Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SICCI) is deeply concerned about the public transport sit-in protest that occurred in Honiara City on Thursday 8th November 2018 which has affecte ...

The Solomon Islands Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SICCI) through its Media and Communications Department hosted an Information Session for key media workers and members of the local mainstream med ...

The Solomon Islands Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SICCI) commends Solomon Airlines for its commitment to providing a safe and secure workplace for all employees where mutual respect is given and w ...