Women are underrepresented in all spheres of leadership in Solomon Islands. Few companies have women in senior leadership roles and there is only one woman in parliament.  A group of local companies ...

The 2018 Biennial Remuneration Survey has seen the increase on the number of participants who have shown commitment to putting in place credible and consistent procedures in dealing with their employe ...

The Solomon Islands Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SICCI) convened a special meeting on Thursday 7 February 2019 for its members to approve a new Constitution for the private sector representative ...

The Solomon Islands Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SICCI), as the peak body representing private sector in country, was invited along with business heads to a lunch meeting with visiting Australian ...

The Solomon Islands Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SICCI) acknowledge that marine litter remains a tremendous challenge in the Solomon Islands and the rest of the Pacific, with significant social a ...