Prime Minister Hon Rick Houenipwela recognizes the private sector as the driving force for economic growth in the Solomon Islands. Speaking during the 10th Australia-Solomon Islands Business Forum We ...

The Solomon Islands Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SICCI) wishes to announce it has a new Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Elect. She is Ms Atenasi Ata. Ms Ata will replace outgoing CEO Mr Dennis Me ...

The Infrastructure, complex tax system, corruption and land are key impediments to growth and if addressed would help the private sector make a stronger contribution to inclusive economic growth in th ...

The 10th Australia-Solomon Islands Business Forum starts today (Wednesday 12th September 2018) in Brisbane, Australia. The two-day Forum, hosted by the Australia Pacific Islands Business Council in p ...

The Solomon Islands Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SICCI) this week joined other private sector organizations from around the region for the 2018 Pacific Islands Forum meeting. SICCI is represente ...