The Chairlady of Solomon Islands Chamber of Commerce and Industry [SICCI] says effective collaboration between private and public sector is paramount when comes to policy making.
Speaking at a panel discussion during the closing of SCALE program last week, Ms. Qila Tuhanuku said, legal frameworks should be designed and accommodate best practices for private sector.
She explains that the private sector is the user of any legal system and enabling a good environment for private sector requires more room for private sector in any processes to establishing a legal framework.
Ms. Tuhanuku said there is lack of clarity with stakeholders and private sector when comes to conversations about building the economy.
That she said, requires greater partnership between the private and public sector.
“It’s very very simple, government designs legal frameworks [physical infrastructure], support system for the human resources [this is where education system and health care come in] that’s the space.
“Private sector is the users of the legal framework and other support system. One key role that private sector do is create money.
“For example, there is tree, but if you don’t have the business that would turn the tree into something to buy, it’s just a tree.
She said private sector has been and continues to be left out in a process of designing legal frameworks and policies.
“Private sector is the users and we know whether a policy will not work or enforcement of legal framework will affect businesses and the country in the long term.
“Most systems are not working due to lack of private sector’s inputs.
“We don’t sign or authorize laws but the private sector can tell the government whether a policy or legal framework will work or not.
“So, when there is poor compliance, it indicates that the design of the policy or legal framework does not fit.
“For example, if the tax system has poor compliance, it means that the design doesn’t fit,” Ms. Tuhanuku said.
She said the user’s perspective is critical that the government continues to ignore rather dictate the process and procedure of policy formulation as well as establishment of legal framework.
Ms. Tuhanuku said the private sector worked really hard to reach out to government institutions and help government institution understand what private sector needs.
She adds that the private sector continues to fight to put across their points to government institution in an effort to drive the local economy.
The Solomon Islands Chamber of Commerce (SICCI) is a non-profit organization that represents the interests of businesses in the Solomon Islands. It was established in 1958 and is dedicated to promoting and developing commerce and industry in the country.
Media Contact
Ben Bilua
Solomon Islands Chamber of Commerce & Industry
1st Floor, Suite 213, Hyundai Mall,
Central Honiara,
P.O.Box 650,
Solomon Islands
T: (+677) 39542
T: (+677) 39543
F: (+677) 39544
E: services@solomonchamber.com.sb