The Solomon Islands Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SICCI) in partnership with Pacific Trade Invest (PTI) New Zealand hosted a one day “Business Capability Building Workshop” for local businesses in ...

To take full advantage of Solomon Islands’ youthful population we need to make decisions on education, training, policy and programs particularly by building job-relevant skills that support entrepren ...

“YECSI an example of innovative Public Private Partnership”: PM Hou   The Young Entrepreneurs Council Solomon Islands (YECSI) was successfully launched on Friday 12th October 2018 at the Mendana Hot ...

Our Telekom continues to expand its rural mobile network with high speed 3G roll out for Guadalcanal, Makira, Isabel and Choiseul Province. Our Telekom is ready to roll out more 3G cell sites across ...

Fifteen (15) of the largest businesses in Solomon Islands and their employees who have signed up to the Waka Mere Commitment to Action are beginning to reap the rewards of investing in a gender equal ...