Officials and Participants who were part of the training

A Total 24 members turned up for the Procurement Training organised by the Solomon Islands Chamber of Commerce and delivered by Solomon Islands Government through the Ministry of Finance and Treasury [Procurement Department].

It was the 8th Procurement Workshop since the partnership with SICCI and MoFT was established - founded on the need to support businesses and companies to better understand Government’s procurement process as the private sector plays a vital role in goods and services delivery to the Government and the people of Solomon Islands.

Lead Trainer, the Assistant Accountant General Mr. Leslie Penibanga and his team help interpret the Government Procurement policies, processes and requirements necessary to satisfy government processes.

The training gives private sector the avenue to dialogue with those who are administrating the government procurement process.

SICCI understand that Government procurement process is an important relationship between government and businesses, meaning more understanding and information sharing of each other’s needs and systems is vital.

SICCI is determined that the private sector is equipped with the right knowledge to participate actively by providing what the government needs through the procurement system and to procure infrastructure, goods and services government.

Mr. Leslie said the government has a uniform procurement process and understanding the policies, pro-cesses and requirements is important to work with government processes.

He said understanding the procurement processes help business to enter into procurement contract between their companies and the government.

SICCI acknowledge the participation and turnout for Procurement/Standard Bidding Documents Workshop.

The workshop will give needed knowledge to the private sector to access services from the Government - ensuring that private sector is aware of the processes and steps to access government services is important for the function of our private sector.

“This training is one of many that SICCI plan to deliver to support and capacitate the private sector.

“l would like to acknowledge our partners in this workshop the team from the Ministry of Finance and Treasury lead by Compliance Officer Mr. Lesley Penipanga for accepting our request to host this very important workshop. I hope that businesses have utilise this workshop to get more information from our partner,” Chief Executive Officer of SICCI, Mr. James Dolarii said.

SICCI would like to encourage business to come forward to join as members to access our programs and events.

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