September 16th, Honiara - Solomon Islands Chamber of Commerce and Industry [SICCI] acknowledges the government for its commitment towards infrastructure development in the country.

As the peak organization responsible for the improvement and management of private sector in Solomon Islands, SICCI would like to see policy directions beyond infrastructure development.

SICCI understands that the private sector which includes medium to small business will be the users of the facilities and that SICCI would also like to see interventions should simultaneously focus on broadening private sector base by increasing economic so as trade activities across the country.

SICCI emphasis that “while the government is committed to drive infrastructure development, focus should also be on how the facilities can generate revenue to remunerate funds spent on the projects”.

“We believe that strategic intervention can stimulate economic activities, job creation and improve standard of living”.

SICCI acknowledges the Minister of National Planning and Development Coordination for pushing private sector agendas during the Solomon Islands Government and Development Partners Roundtable Meeting.

In his speech, Honourable Rexon Annex Ramofafia urged all partners to support the government in its initiatives which includes; increase economic growth through infrastructure development and productive sector (Agriculture, Fisheries and Tourism), improve private sector investment environment for indigenous Solomon Islanders and increase local content Reduce electricity tariff and use general budget support as the preferred national financing modality for development financing in line with Solomon Islands Aid Solomon Islands Aid Management and Development Cooperation Policy.

He reminds those present that important development can be realized if the government and development partners establish genuine partnerships built on open communication, mutual understanding and shared goals.

“This requires us to listen and learn from each other. Durability in partnership means that we are not just seeking short term gains but are committed to the long-term success of the Solomon Islands through its development endeavors,” Minister Ramofafia said.

SICCI acknowledges the government for recognizing SICCI as one of the important partners in the economic development and aspiration of the country.

SICCI secretariate will continues to work closely with its members and government to make sure private sector is striving and economy is progressing.

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