1. Officials ready to escort Prime Minister Hon Jeremiah Manele upon his arrival at Heritage Park. [L-R] Mr. Dev Nadkarni, Mr. Frank Yourn [APIBC Executive Director], Mr. Simon Gorman [APIBC President], Ms. Namoi Kaluae [Chairlady – SICCI Board], Prime Minister Hon. Jeremiah Manele and Mr. James Dolari [CEO – SICCI].

September 6th, Honiara - The 13th Australia Solomon Islands Business Forum which was held in Honiara on 2nd to 4th September has concluded on a high note.

Government ministers, representatives from government institutions, private sector and businesses spent two days sharing information and networking on business opportunities, challenges and potential strategies that would encourage more investment to drive the local economy going forward.

President of Australia Pacific Islands Business Council Mr. Simon Gorman described the forum as very fruitful with tremendous insights for businesses who attended the forum.

“It was fantastic to have the Honourable Prime Minister Jeremiah Manele and all Ministers to come and talked about what is going on in Solomon Islands and I think that was a wonderful opportunity for all businesses in the room.

“We also had the Australia High Commissioner, Ambassador for First Nations People Government of Australia, major business in Solomon Islands and Australia Businesses taking to us, all of which tells a positive story of things that needs to be done.

“On a micro scale, we have a very good insight from the Solomon Islands Government on their budget and economic goals.

“We have a very insightful information on the cocoa, coconut, timber, fisheries and tourism industries.

“All of these discussions indicates that Solomon Islands is ready for further investment,” he said.

Mr Gorman said, Australia Pacific Islands Business Council and its members are strongly committed to supporting the development of business in Solomon Islands through entering into partnership with Solomon Islands business to jointly deliver contracts and initiatives in the Solomon Islands, to always seek to engage with Solomon Islands expertise, resources and companies on their projects in Solomon Islands and to support Solomon Islands supply chains where businesses can jointly deliver on time and on budget project requirements.

He said, there are significant joint investments and co-operation being undertaken by the Australian and Solomon Islands in this country. 

“I’m sure this sentiment is shared by many business colleagues in the room today.

“Over the two days you hear a lot about various business and economic opportunities for Solomon Islands and for Australian and Solomon Islands business to work together to build success from those opportunities,” Mr. Gorman said.

Chairlady of Solomon Islands Chamber of Commerce and Industry Board, Ms Namoi Kaluae said the forum’s theme “Business Leading Employment and Export Growth,” is not just a topic for discussion but a vision for the future that both Australia and Solomon Islands must commit to undertake.

She stressed that success in the Pacific is fundamentally built and underpinned by partnerships and beneficial relationships.

“This forum represents a significant opportunity for us to explore the synergies between our two countries, but also taking learnings to date and redirecting efforts that will truly translate to socio-economic development in Solomon Islands,” she said.

Ms. Kaluae acknowledges the partnership between Australia and the Solomon Islands saying that is long standing, important and exemplifies the power of collaboration in driving economic growth and development.

“Our combined efforts are crucial in overcoming current economic challenges and seizing new opportunities. By continuing to work together, supporting innovation, and focusing on export growth, we can build a more resilient and prosperous future for peoples.

“On this note I pay respect to the Solomon Islands & Australian Government & Business representatives. Thank you for your valuable time and effort to travel and be here with us today.

“We look forward to many positive outcomes from this engagement,” she said.

The Australia Solomon Islands Business Forum was co-organized by SICCI and ASIBF.

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