The Solomon Islands Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SICCI) continues with its outreach strategy to engage with businesses in provincial urban areas after successfully conducting a two-day business t ...

Businesses call for calm as leaders deliberate on constitutional amendment bill
The Solomon Islands Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SICCI), as the peak body representing private sector, is calling for peace and stability as the country’s elected Members of Parliament (MPs) deli ...

Businesses welcomes Government intervention on Fuel Price
Local businesses in the country welcomes the recent Government decision to remove customs import duty and sales tax on fuel imports at 100 percent exemption respectively. Fuel users across the country are expected to experience a drop in fuel prices as of 1st September 2022. Petrol is expected to reduce by $1.50 while diesel is estimated to reduce by $1.51.

Increasing fuel price will impact local businesses: SICCI Survey
Thursday 25 August, Honiara – Local businesses in Solomon Islands will be severely
impacted if fuel price continues to increase in the next six months, a survey conducted by
the Solomon Islands Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SICCI) revealed.

Manufacturing Industry Working Group First Meeting
The Solomon Islands Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SICCI) recently established its
Manufacturing Industry Working Group (MIWG) for 2022 through to 2023.
Its first meeting was held on Thursday 4th August 2022 at Heritage Park Hotel.
The Working Group comprising of representatives from the Manufacturing sector is Chaired by Qila
Tuhanuku, Corporate Affairs Manager of Solomon Breweries Ltd who was nominated by majority
votes during their first meeting.