The Solomon Islands Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SICCI) is the peak representative organisation for the private sector in Solomon Islands.
SICCI currently has over 200 members as well as a number of affiliations to other national private sector organisations, covering approximately 80 percent of the Solomon Islands private sector workforce. Sixty (60) percent of the SICCI membership is made up of Small Medium Enterprises employing less than 20 employees.
SICCI continues to be a strong advocate of private sector interests – for both small and large companies alike – and aims to work constructively with the government, the Solomon Islands community and international donor organisations.
The Solomon Islands Government remains our key stakeholder and our continuous collaboration and engagement with the Government is critical to working towards a conducive business environment where the private sector can grow and jobs are created for our growing population.
SICCI is driven by its vision for the Solomon Islands, its own mission and the values which governs the way it goes about its work.
Our Vision: A vibrant private sector, leading to better lives for our people
Our Mission: A member driven organisation that (a) champions policies that deliver jobs and growth, and (b) supports services that assist members to grow their business
Our Values: Excellence, Partnership, Innovation, Creativity, Integrity and Informative.